Monday 25 April 2011

The Chakras


Chakra is derived from Sanskrit word meaning Wheel.
Observed as wheels of energy continuously rotating at different speeds, Root being slowest, Crown being fastest. They are located on both the front and back of the body, and work through it, beginning at the base of the spine and finishing at the top of the head. The size and brightness of chakras vary with individual development, physical condition, energy levels, disease, or stress.
Each chakra is stimulated by its own color, and gemstones.  If energies are unbalanced/blocked, the basic life force is slowed, and individual may feel listless, tired, out of sorts, or depressed. Physical and mental functions may be affected, causing negative attitude, fear, doubt etc.
Balancing chakras promotes health and a sense of well being. If they are too open, a person could “short circuit” themselves with too much universal energy going through the body. If closed, the universal energy can’t flow properly.

Root or Base Chakra
Color Association
Sanskrit Name
Base of spine at tailbone in back, Pubic bone in front.

Rules over hips, legs, lower back, and sexual organs (male).
Survival – The right to exist. Deals with tasks related to the material and physical world. Ability to stand up for oneself. Security issues.
Related to contact with the Earth Mother, providing us with the ability to be grounded into the earth plane.
Center of manifestation.  Energy to succeed in attempts to make things happen comes from this chakra.
Anemia, fatigue, lower back pain, sciatica, depression. Frequent colds or cold hands and cold feet. Fear, anxiety, insecurity, frustration. Obesity, anorexia, knee troubles.
Root Stimulants
Physical exercise and restful sleeps, gardening, pottery and clay. Red food and drink. Red gemstones, clothing, bathing in red, etc. Using red oils such as ylang ylang or sandalwood essential oils.
Garnet, Smoky Quartz, Obsidian, Black tourmaline, Red Garnet
A man’s sexual organs are located primarily in his first chakra, so male sexual energy is usually experienced primarily as physical.
A woman’s sexual organs are located primarily in her second chakra, so female sexual energy is usually experienced primarily as emotional.
Both chakras are associated with sexual energy.

Sacral  Chakra
Colour Association
Sanskrit Name
2 Inches below navel, rooted into the spine.

Rules over sexual organs (fem), kidneys, bladder, large intestine.
Feelings – The right to feel. Connected to our sensing abilities and issues related to feelings. Ability to be social and intimacy issues.
Sexuality, creativity, intuition, self worth. Friendliness and emotions.  Confidence in own creativity, and ability to relate to others in an open and friendly way. 
Influenced by how emotions were expressed or repressed in the family during childhood.
Eating disorders. Alcohol and drug abuse. Depression. Low back pain. Asthma or allergies. Candida and yeast infections. Urinary problems. Sensuality issues as well as impotency and frigidity
Emotionally explosive, manipulative, obsessed with sex, or lack of energy. 
Kidney weakness, stiff lower back, constipation, muscle spasms.
Sacral Stimulants
Hot aromatic baths, water aerobics, massage, embracing sensation (such as different food tastes). Orange food and drink. Orange gemstones and orange clothing. Using orange oils such as Melissa or orange essential oils.
Carnelian Agate, Orange Calcite, Tigers Eye
Proper balance in this chakra means the ability to flow with emotions freely and to feel and reach out to others sexually or not.

Solar Plexus Chakra
Color association
Sanskrit Name
2 Inches below the breastbone and in the center behind the stomach.

Rules over stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, and small intestine.
Personal power – the right to think. Balance of intellect, self-confidence, and ego power. Ability to have self-control and humour.
Personal power, place of ego, passions, impulses, anger, and strength. Center for astral travel and astral influences, receptivity of spirit guides, and for psychic development.
Digestive problems, ulcers, diabetes, hypoglycaemia, constipation. Nervousness, toxicity, parasites, colitis, poor memory.

Lack of confidence, confusion, worrying about what others think, feelings that others are controlling your life, depression.
Digestive difficulties, liver problems, diabetes, nervous exhaustion, food allergies.
Solar Plexus Stimulants
Taking  classes, reading informative books, doing mind puzzles. Sunshine. Detox programs. Yellow food and drink. Yellow gemstones and yellow clothing. Using yellow oils such as lemon or rosemary essential oils
Citrine, Topaz, Golden Calcite
When balanced, you may feel cheerful, outgoing, have self respect, expressive, enjoy taking on new challenges, and have a strong sense of personal power.

Heart Chakra
Color Association
Green (and Pink)
Sanskrit Name
Behind breast bone in front and on the spine between the shoulder blades in back.

Rules over heart, lungs, circulatory system, shoulders, upper back.
Relationships – the right to love. Love, forgiveness, compassion. Ability to have self-control. Acceptance of oneself.
Love, compassion, spirituality. Directs one’s ability to love themselves and others, to give and receive love.
Connects body and spirit.
Heart and breathing disorders. Heart and breast cancer. Chest pain. High blood pressure. Passivity. Immune system problems. Muscular tension.
Feeling sorry for yourself, paranoid, indecisive, afraid of letting go, afraid of getting hurt, unworthy of love.
Heart attack, high blood pressure, insomnia, difficulty in breathing.
Heart Stimulants
Nature walks, time spent with family or friends. Green food and drink. Green gemstones and green clothing. Using green oils such as eucalyptus or pine essential oils.
Rose Quartz, Kunzite, Watermelon tourmaline, jade, adventurine
When balanced you may feel compassionate, friendly empathetic, desire to nurture others and see the good in everybody.

Throat Chakra
Colour Association
Sanskrit Name
The V of the collarbone at the lower neck

Rules over throat, neck, teeth, ears, thyroid gland
Relationships – the right to speak. Learning to express oneself and one’s beliefs (truthful expression). Ability to trust. Loyalty. Organization and planning.
Center of communication, sound, and expression of creativity via thought, speech and writing. The possibility of change, transformation, and healing. Throat is where anger is stored and finally let go of.
Thyroid imbalances, swollen glands. Fevers and flu. Infections. Mouth, jaw, tongue, neck, and shoulders problems. Hyperactivity. Hormonal disorders such as PMS, mood swings, bloating, and menopause
May want to hold back, feel timid, feel weak, be quiet, or cant express thoughts. Hyperthyroid, skin irritations, ear infections, sore throat, inflammations, back pain
Throat Stimulants
Singing (in the shower), poetry, stamp or art collecting. Meaningful conversations. Blue food and drink. Blue gemstones and blue clothing. Using blue oils such as chamomile or geranium essential oils.
Aquamarine, Azurite, sodalite
When balanced you may feel balanced, centered, musically or artistically inspired, may be a good speaker.

Brow/Third Eye Chakra
Colour Association
Sanskrit Name
Forehead, in between the eyes

Rules over eyes, face, brain, lymphatic and endocrine system
Intuition – the right to “see”. Trusting one’s intuition and insights. Developing one’s psychic abilities. Self-realization. Releasing hidden and repressed negative thoughts.
Center for psychic ability, higher intuition, the energies of spirit and light. Assists the purification of negative tendencies and in the elimination of selfish attitudes. 
Receive guidance, channel and tune into Higher Self.
Learning disabilities, co-ordination problems, sleep disorders.
Non assertive, afraid of success, or egotistical.
Headaches, blurred vision, blindness, and eyestrain.
Brow/Third Eye Stimulants
Star gazing. Meditation. Indigo food and drink. Indigo gemstones and indigo clothing. Using indigo oils such as patchouli or frankincense essential oils.
Amethyst, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, blue fluorite, sugilite, clear quartz
When balanced/open, you are your own master with no fear of death, are not attached to material things, may experience telepathy, astral travel, and past lives.

Crown Chakra

Colour Association
Violet / White
Sanskrit Name
Just behind top of skull
Knowingness – the right to aspire. Dedication to the divine consciousness and trusting the universe. Learning about one’s spirituality. Our connection to the concept of the Divine.  Integrating one’s consciousness and subconsciousness into the superconsciousness.
Center of spirituality, enlightenment, dynamic thought and energy. Allows the inward flow of wisdom, and brings the gift of cosmic consciousness. Also the center of connectedness with the Divine, the place where life animates the physical body.
Headaches, Photosensitivity, mental illness. Neuralgia. Senility. Right/Left brain disorders and coordination problems. Epilepsy. Varicose veins and blood vessel problems. Skin rashes.
Constant sense of frustration, no spark of joy, destructive feelings. Migraine headaches, depression.
Crown Stimulants
Focusing on dreams. Writing down one’s visions and inventions. Violet food and drink. Violet gemstones and violet clothing. Using violet oils such as lavender or jasmine essential oils.
Clear Quartz Crystal, Oregon Opal, Amethyst
The silver cord that connects the aura bodies extends from the crown. The soul comes into the body through the crown at birth and leaves from the crown at death.
Balanced energy in this chakra may include the ability to open up to the Divine and total access to the unconscious and subconscious. 

Much of this information was gathered from several sources, including's section on chakras.

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