Monday 25 April 2011

Moon Phases and Intentions

Moon Phases
Full to New Moon
·         Banishing
·         Decreasing
·         Removing
New to Full Moon
·         Increase
·         Growth
·         Gain

Full Moon - harvest, sexuality, protection

·         Banishing
·         Protecting
·         High Tide of power
·         Divinity
·         Planning
·         Spells
·         Releasing
·         Raising Energy
·         Drawing Down the Moon for empowerment
·         Healing

New Moon - new beginnings, fresh starts
·         Personal growth
·         Blessing new projects/ventures
·         Healing

Waxing Moon - attracting, building, creativity
·         Attract/Draw things to you
·         Bring things into being
·         Invoking

Waning Moon - banishing, undoing bindings
·         Banishing & Rejecting things no longer desired

Dark Moon - rest, peace, reflection.

·         No Magick
·         Traditionally used for meditation, rest, and vision quests

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